Many freelancers make their living as ghostwriters; while they may write full-time, they never see a byline. This area of writing is not for everyone as there are some writers who write mainly for the thrill of seeing their names in print. However, if you don't mind leaving your name off of your work, you can make a lucrative living as a freelance ghostwriter online.
Online Freelance Ghostwriting Jobs
There are countless online freelance ghostwriting jobs and unlike print media, it's easy for beginners to get their foot in the door. Anyone who puts up a website needs content and much of that content is in the form of articles. While some website owners write their own content, many of them outsource this task to freelancers. Although freelancers are always free to negotiate rights, most of the time it is understood that once someone purchases an article from a freelance ghostwriter, it is theirs to use as they please with no credit given to the ghostwriter.
Where to Find Online Freelance Ghostwriting Jobs
It's relatively easy to find online freelance ghostwriting jobs, although beginners may have to work for less than they would like until they are established. One place to find these types of jobs is at online auction sites, some of which are free while others charge a fee. There are a variety of jobs listed at these auction sites, including ghostwriting opportunities. Ghostwriters can join the site, create a profile, and then peruse the listings and bid on the ones for which they feel qualified. Often, ghostwriters are able to land jobs that result in long-term relationships with clients through bidding on jobs at online auction sites.
Job Boards
There are often classified listings on online job boards that advertise for ghostwriters. These ads often provide a short description of the assignment and ask individuals to submit samples or resumes via email. Be wary of any ads advertising for freelance ghostwriting jobs that ask for a fee. Rest assured, there are plenty of opportunities for ghostwriters on the World Wide Web that do not include any upfront fees. Keep in mind, however, that auction sites and other sites that match writers with buyers will keep a percentage of the payment for a "finder's fee." This is an acceptable practice; just don't pay anyone to get a job.
What do Online Freelance Ghostwriters Write About?
Online freelance ghostwriters are asked to write about a variety of subjects, many of which are built around a keyword or a series of keywords. Internet marketers and other website owners often hire ghostwriters to write articles based on certain keywords, which, when typed into a search engine by the end-user will ultimately lead to the website owner's site. Sometimes these keyword phrases can be awkward or make little sense and beginning ghostwriters will often wonder if there has been a mistake and they will attempt to change the keyword phrase around so that it makes better sense. Although this sounds reasonable, it will be unacceptable to the client, who has spent a great deal of resources ferreting out just the right keywords that will lead web visitors to their site. Therefore, if you are given a list of keywords with which to build an article around, incorporate them into the article just as they are given to you regardless of how awkward they may sound. While it will take extra effort, much of the time, if you are creative enough, you can write copy that will make the keywords seem sensible.
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