Do you believe you deserve great abundance? Do you believe you can have it in your life?
Most of us would like to believe that, but at the same time we have a niggling little voice in the back of our minds that jeers at us: “Ha! Who do you think you’re kidding? You know you don’t deserve to be wealthy and happy. You’re not one of the lucky ones and you know it. Just give it up. You are doomed to live a mediocre life. Accept it.”
This little voice is usually the result of early programming and negative reinforcement we experience during times of difficulty. It’s bad enough that this negative voice takes up residence in our minds in the first place, but much worse is that we begin to believe what it says! We end up sabotaging any efforts we make to live a more abundant life.
If this sounds all too familiar to you, it’s possible you are blocking abundance from entering your life. Dissolving these inner blockages may take some effort on your part, but it is time well-spent!
Before we go into the steps for doing that, keep in mind three things about this negative voice:
• It is replaying things that people in your life have communicated to you in the past.
• It is replaying things you have said to yourself in the past.
• You do not have to believe these things if you don’t want to!
Here’s how to turn that negative voice into a positive, supporting voice:
Begin speaking kindly and lovingly to yourself.
Remember, that little voice in your head will keep repeating what you consistently tell it. In the past you may have been harsh on yourself when you failed at something or didn’t follow through with goals you set. Recording over that negative voice with more positive messages is very simple – just keep speaking kindly and lovingly to yourself as often as possible! In time, the tone of that mental voice will begin to change.
Celebrate your achievements.
If you believe that nothing you do is ever good enough, begin making it a priority to celebrate everything you do. Even the tiniest accomplishment should be cause for celebration. Pat yourself on the back, congratulate yourself, and most importantly feel GOOD about who you are and what you do. Keep striving to do better, but also give yourself some recognition for even trying!
Believe that abundance is your birthright.
Keep affirming that you do deserve an abundant, happy life. Expect abundance and goodness in all forms. Say things like this, “I just know I’m meant to live a powerful life. I believe I have the strength and ability to make my life into anything I want it to be.” If you know you deserve abundance, expect abundance always, and allow yourself to open to abundance – you get abundance!
Remember that it will probably take time to notice obvious results. Keep doing the steps as often as you can, and before long you should find yourself feeling lighter and happier, AND attracting ever-increasing amounts of abundance into your life.
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