If you’ve already started using Craigslist to promote your website and online business, then you know how powerful it can be. If you haven’t, it’s time you started because you’re missing a huge opportunity to drive targeted traffic to your website.
There are a lot of rules and regulations on Craigslist that are meant to protect the advertisers and the consumer. The rules of conduct are very clear and support a site with high integrity. Some of the rules make it a little more challenging when you’re interested in posting ads to multiple locations or cities simultaneously. You never want to circumvent the rules, but you can take advantage of all opportunities to optimize your advertising strategies.
As you plan your classified advertising campaign using Craigslist, we’ve included some key tips that will help you expand your advertising options. However, we always recommend you stay within the rules of any website you use for advertising or you risk being banned from using them in the future. Craigslist is no exception and the rules are clear. We recommend you review the complete list of rules on the website before proceeding with your advertising campaign.
Tips on posting on Craigslist:
Creating an account with Craigslist gives you the ability to create, change, and edit your classified ads more effectively and efficiently. You can even repost from the web page saving you time and effort. If you have an account with them, your ads are published automatically when you visit the site, rather than having to take multiple steps to check your email, verify submission, and then check back to make sure the ad was posted. An account gives you added advantages when you plan to post consistently and frequently – which is the best strategy for success.
The same ad cannot run on multiple sites of Craigslist so this presents you with an opportunity to tweak and customize ads for different locations and cities. You can change your subject line and title for your ad and insert different words that may be specific to a region, evening including the name of the city where you are posting. Customizing content for regions can have an added advantage since the website is created as a community-minded site.
If you have a blog and a website, you can use each separate address to direct customers to them. Once people reach your blog, it’s easy to redirect them to your website. This not only promotes your business but gains exposure for your blog as well. You can create different ads in different cities for both your blog and website.
Don’t post more than 10 ads per day or you’re likely to be flagged as spamming and you’ll be banned from the website. It’s best to wait about 48 hours between each posting to avoid this too.
Include a link to your website in your content and within your graphics or pictures. Make it easy for people to reach your website and you’ll drive more traffic.
Using your creativity and innovation will help you create the most influential and compelling ads for your target audience. Knowing how to leverage the use of Craigslist to promote your website and your products will make you much more successful. Rules are created for a reason so adherence to rules and working within the spirit of the rules demonstrates your integrity and honesty. Don’t try to circumvent the rules process or you’ll likely find yourself on the banned list!
Good luck with your posting on Craigslist – and may your ads drive traffic for many days to come!
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