As with other technological areas, Microsoft has several software options available for use with website building. FrontPage and Visual Studio Express are the two most common tools available from Microsoft for use with website building. These programs vary in skill level required but make the process of putting together a website just a bit easier.
Microsoft FrontPage for New Users
Microsoft’s FrontPage software uses what is called a WYSIWYG (wiz-ee-wig) editor. The acronym stands for “what you see is what you get.” This program works pretty easily. When you are first creating your website, you sign up with a web host and then load FrontPage. You can begin website building with templates already in FrontPage or make your own site. You simply drop and drag various elements of the page – menus, pictures, and text – to the place where you want it to go. FrontPage does the rest.
The most convenient part of FrontPage is that it makes editing a cinch. All you do once the initial website building and loading is complete is go to your web host and click to sign in to FrontPage. In many set-ups, you can edit the site through Internet Explorer. You will need your username and password, and then you can make the changes you’d like on your site. You don’t need to be on a specific computer or update software continually, which is why many new users enjoy using FrontPage.
Microsoft Visual Studio Express
For the slightly more advanced user, website building with Visual Studio Express offers far more options. Visual Studio has been around for several years, but this program is pretty expensive. Microsoft now offers Visual Studio Express for free. This software uses the .NET framework, which is a dynamic library of code you can use to build your site. You will have access to two screens during website building. The program has a screen of code and a visual screen that lets you see how your site looks at any given time.
By switching back and forth between these two screens, you will be able to build your site and see updates continuously, rather than using the manual save and refresh method. Visual Studio Express is an excellent tool for people who want to learn more about coding. Fixing mistakes is easy, and if you are unsure about how to code a particular piece you would like to see on your website, all you have to do is search through the library of code available to you or move the viewing screen and check the code changes.
Both FrontPage and Visual Studio Express are popular products for website viewing. Each has strengths and weaknesses, but they should be considered when deciding how to build a website. Because website building is a skilled job, learning everything from scratch may not be feasible. Instead, choosing already-available code can help the process along. Plus, you can monitor coding changes to learn how to do it yourself in case you want a more advanced system with your next website.